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ATIXA On-Demand Training Products

Below is a list of ATIXA’s past webinars and virtual training events that are available for purchase! Interested in more than one? All live training and webinars are included in the cost of ATIXA Super Membership – consider upgrading your membership or joining here!

ATIXA Title IX Advisors Certification On-Demand Package

ATIXA Advisor Certification is a fully modular, on-demand online course. Take it whenever you want, in any order, one module at a time, or take all six modules at once. Total training time is 5.5 hours.

One Policy, Two Procedures (1P2P) On-Demand Package

A three-part series about ATIXA’s One Policy, Two Procedures (1P2P) model policies and how to implement them within your higher education or K-12 school district.

SPOO or Not SPOO? That is the Question Webinar On-Demand Package

This recording features our team of ATIXA experts, engaging participants in a discussion around the difficulty of assessing the SPOO (severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive) standard under the 2020 Title IX Regulations. Ten case studies were presented and participants weigh in on “SPOO or NOT SPOO?” This on-demand recording is included for all Members.

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Webinar On-Demand Package

VAWA – the Violence Against Women Act – has been reauthorized by Congress. What does this mean for colleges, universities, and schools? This webinar will give you the scoop on key provisions that will soon be impacting higher education and K-12. ATIXA’s team will help your institution to be prepared, to anticipate the implications of the new law, and position your colleges and districts well to benefit from the programs that the reauthorization will provide. This webinar is included for all Members.

Title VI, Islamophobia, Antisemitism, and the Balancing of Rights Webinar On-Demand Package

Colleges and schools tend to value pluralistic communities that offer rich diversity and varied perspectives. That complex tapestry of backgrounds and life experiences adds dimension, but it can also bring strife between those who choose to center differences as the basis for conflict. The key to keeping the peace will be a comprehensive plan that addresses critical topics like protest rights and management, safety planning, crisis response, stakeholder engagement, and conflict resolution. Also key will be to get a better grasp of Title VI, as it becomes a more potent tool in some of the same ways that we’ve seen Title IX evolve. More and more schools and campuses are embracing the idea of having a Title VI coordinator to guide institutional policy, prevention, and response. While Title VI’s reach to race, color, and national origin is well-known, an extension of Title VI to address situations involving shared ancestry and ethnic characteristics is still something schools are coming to understand, and the implications are part of what this event will help participants explore.

Topics addressed in this webinar are the role, responsibilities, and authority of the Title VI coordinator, intersecting Titles: IV, VI, VII, IX, and state law mandates, how to effectively balance rights, freedoms, and safety, and much more. 

All 20-Minutes-to…Trained On-Demand Modules:

All modules are included for Super Members. Those marked * are included for Institutional/District Members. Those marked ** are included for Individual Members.

All Modules Package

Purchase modules by topic:
Addressing Trauma: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Advising the Reporting Party: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Advising the Responding Party: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Animals on Campus: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Appeals: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Applying Preponderance and Making a Finding: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Assessing Credibility Part 1: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Assessing Credibility Part 2: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

BIT and Title IX Intersections: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Bullying and Cyberbullying: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Climate Considerations: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Conflicts of Interest: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Dealing with Report Investigation Requests: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Deliberations and Groupthink: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Documentation: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Due Process: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Informal Resolutions: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Interim Measures and Suspensions: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Intersection of Title VII and IX: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Intimate Partner Violence: 20-Minutes-to…Trained *

Keeping Investigators Sharp: 20-Minutes-to..Trained

Keeping Up with the Courts: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Memorandum of Understanding: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

No Contact Orders (Parts I & II) 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Pattern and Predation: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Preliminary Inquiry: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Questioning: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Reasonable Accommodations: 20-Minutes-to…Trained * &**

Role of the Investigator: 20-Minutes-to…Trained

Sexual Harassment: 20-Minutes-to…Trained *

Self-Care for the Title IX Coordinator: 20-Minutes-to…Trained * & **

Stalking: 20-Minutes-to…Trained *

Understanding Sexual Violence: 20-Minutes-to…Trained * & **

PLEASE NOTE: To access on-demand products included with membership, you must be logged in to your ATIXA account.