Better Understand Your Community’s Experience, Perceptions, and Attitudes to Strategically Address Areas of Need
Evaluating the climate of an institution or district regarding gender-based equity is crucial for Title IX Coordinators and may be mandated by federal or state law.
This seminar aims to equip Title IX practitioners with the foundational knowledge of climate assessment methods, tools, and best practices to better understand the frequency of unwelcome conduct, needed services, and barriers to access/reporting. ATIXA’s skilled faculty members introduce the climate assessment not as a stand-alone survey but as a longitudinal self-study process that provides a feedback loop to assess if efforts at gender equity/inclusion are working. This seminar will review the requirements for higher education institutions under VAWA, and how to leverage federal and state requirements to raise awareness of community needs and possibilities for program revision and development.
Faculty members will present aspects of climate survey planning, promotion, implementation, and analysis. Participants will engage in practical survey planning and assessment-informed action planning exercises that can be implemented in their educational communities to inform strategic approves to prevention, removal of structural impediments, and achieving a better understanding of how programs/resources are perceived.
Develop multi-modal ways to assess and understand the campus climate and culture that inform policy changes, remove barriers or perceptions of barriers, yield relevant data for prevention efforts, serve underrepresented/marginalized populations, and educate your community on supportive measures.
Key Takeaways:
- Describe the dimensions of a holistic climate assessment
- Explain the multiple ways a climate assessment can benefit a school or campus
- Identify the key climate assessment cycle phases
- Discuss the key elements of climate survey implementation
- Evaluate climate survey planning, promotion, and implementation efforts for inclusive language and practices
- Address common resistance points to the publishing and community-wide sharing of climate survey results
- Develop a post-survey plan for improvement based on survey-identified needs
- Explore ways to act on assessment data, including developing 1/3/5 year plans for implementation and re-assessment
Topics Covered
- Climate Assessment Foundations
- Purpose of Climate Assessment
- Building Community Buy-In and Increasing Participation Rates
- Barrier Analysis
- Planning Phase: Goals, Methodology, Resources, Timeline
- Drafting Content: Bias-Free, Welcome, and Accessible Language
- Considerations: Informed Consent, Minors, Confidentiality
- Climate Survey Implementation
- Analysis and Report Writing
- Post Survey Share-Back and Action Planning
Who Should Attend?
- Title IX Coordinators
- Deputy Title IX Coordinators
- Training and Prevention Professionals
- Human Resources Professionals
- Legal Counsel
- Compliance and Risk Management Professionals (Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, ADA/Section 504, AA, EEO, Clery)
- Victim Advocates
- Athletics Liaisons
- Athletic Directors & Administrators
- Student Affairs Administrators
- ADA/Section 504 Coordinators
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Professionals
- School Board Members
- Superintendents, Principals, & Assistant Principals
- Academic Affairs Administrators & Deans
This seminar is tailored to be applicable for Higher Education Institutions, K-12 Schools and Districts, as well as Dual Enrollment programs.
Please note, Seminars do not offer certifications but they do receive digital badges. Attendees will earn 2 re-certifying credits toward any currently held Certifications. Please click here to view our Continuing Certification Credits (CCC) FAQs.