K-12 Athletics: Opportunities, Red Flags, and Equity
This course covers sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, program equity, and culture challenges in athletics at K-12 schools and districts. ATIXA faculty members will delve deeply into program equity compliance, and attendees will leave with a better understanding of why program inequity issues exist, how to spot red flags, and how to address them.
The presenters will draw from the courts, from the news, and from their experiences working with athletic departments of all types across the country, as well as within the Olympic movement. This course is relevant for Title IX Coordinators with little or no athletic administration experience but is also intended for seasoned athletic compliance staff.
Articulate key factors in examining gender equity in each category of athletic benefits and opportunities and adhere to compliance requirements and best practices.
Key Takeaways
- Identify and adhere to compliance requirements and best practices from foundational case law and Office for Civil Rights guidance
- Explain the Three-Part Test for Effective Accommodation of Interests and Abilities
- Articulate key factors for in examining the equivalence for boys and girls in each category of athletic benefits and opportunities
- Describe common red flags related to athletic equity in the K-12 educational environment
- Define the three forms of sexual harassment
- Provide specific examples of challenges associated with Title IX and student athletics in the K-12 educational environment
Topics Covered include:
- Overview and History of Title IX and Athletics
- The Three-Part Test: Accommodation of Interests and Abilities
- Levels of Competition
- Other Athletic Benefits and Opportunities
- Reg Flags
- Sexual Harassment in Sports
- Case Studies (Time Permitting)
Who Should Attend?
- Title IX Coordinators
- Deputy Title IX Coordinators
- Title IX or Civil Rights Investigators Athletics Liaisons
- Athletic Directors & Administrators
- Athletic Coaches
- Compliance and Risk Management Professionals (Title VI, Title VII, Title IX, ADA/Section 504, AA, EEO, Clery)
- Training and Prevention Professionals
- School Board Members
- Superintendents, Principals, & Assistant Principals
To obtain certification from ATIXA, you will need to sign-in to your Event Lobby each day of training and attend the whole event. It is our expectation that you are present for the entire duration of your training course. Certification will only be provided once ATIXA has verified attendance through the Event Lobby. Please allow 7-10 days following the completion of the course and then log in on our website and visit the My ATIXA page to access the Continuing Certification Credit (CCC) program system. Please follow the instructions on the webpage to obtain your certification. Our CCC program allows those certified by ATIXA to track, maintain, and extend their professional development through our programs.
Training & Certification Course registration fees include:
- Attendance for each day of training or access to eTraining course for three months
- An extensive course-specific selection of articles, customizable forms and templates, case studies, videos, and more
- Instructional slides or transcript for eTraining
- Access to ATIXA content experts
- Ability to interact with faculty and attendees via course discussion and activities
- Certification upon corresponding course completion